Scanning protocol
Medical CT scanner protocol:
- Position the patient’s head in the scanner headrest making sure that the patient does not move during the scan (this is to avoid movement artefacts in the scan)
- Scan the defect and at least 2cm of the surrounding tissue, using contiguous sequential slices.
- Slice thickness: 1mm or less. Note that for orbital floor and wall defects, it is very important to use very thin contiguous slices to be able to image correctly the bone still present in the area. For this, 1mm thickness would not be helpful; 0.6mm would be more reasonable.
- If possible, do not use gantry tilt, unless to avoid critical structures that do not need imaging
CBCT scanner protocol:
- Position the patient’s head in the scanner headrest making sure that the patient does not move during the scan (this is to avoid movement artefacts in the scan)
- For scanning a one-sided defect, please ensure that the field of view is large enough to include both sides of the head (this is to achieve as good an outcome as possible post-operatively)
- Include at least 5cm above and below the defect. Note that if the defect is at the top of the head, you need to include at least 5cm of air
- Export the DICOM images at 0.250mm (or as near as) slice thickness and slice interval.
Sending the data to us:
Send us the scan via your hospital image exchange protocol (e.g. IEP), via our Order Form, or via FTP server or on a DICOM CD. On your request, it is also possible for us to collect the data from your IT network. Your IT manager can contact us directly regarding this facility.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries about scanning or data transfer – better before the patient is scanned but never too late!